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We would like to know how many we have fasting on any given day. Fill out this form HERE. You will receive a kickback email with the full 21 Days schedule, plus the full list of Host Homes.
During this 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, there will be several types of Meetings:
Daily Devos on LiveStream: Every weekday (mon-fri) at 12pm we will stream live from our DLC Youtube page where a few from the Body will lead us in a time of scripture, encouragement, & prayer. This will be a great way to keep our hearts engaged throughout the week. CLICK HERE to JOIN LIVE!
Family Prayer: Weekly times of prayer with your household on Thursday Nights during our 21 days. This is a time to gather with your household and pray together, using our Family Prayer Guide if needed.
Host Home Prayer: Gathering w/ others in the DLC Body in designated host homes each Tuesday night to pray over the body & over one another. SEE HOST HOME LIST IN SCHEDULE BELOW
James 5 Prayer: Though this Corporate night of prayer would be open to the whole Body, these nights are a specific call for those that are sick among us to come & have the Elders lay hands on them to pray the prayer of Faith for healing, as James 5 addresses.
Corporate Prayer: These are times to gather corporately as a Body to pray together at one of our Claremore or Owasso locations.
Prophetic Weekend: To finish off our 21 days, we will head into a weekend of prophetic ministry. We will be receiving from several prophets that will travel in to be with us that weekend & we pray it is a time of encouragement for individuals & the DLC family as a whole.
See Schedule Below
Mondays - Family Prayer
7-8 pm, January 8, 15, 22
Tuesdays - Host Homes (Find a Host Home to join HERE)
7-8 pm, January 9, 16, 23
Wednesdays - James 5 Prayer Nights *Childcare not available
7 pm, January 10 - Claremore Campus
7 pm, January 17 - Owasso Campus
Thursdays - Family Prayer
7-8 pm, January 11, 18, 25
Fridays - Corporate Gathering (Come together for a time of worship & prayer) *Childcare not available
7-8 pm, January 12 - Claremore
7-8 pm, January 19 - Owasso Campus
Prophetic Weekend *Childcare for 2nd grade & under
6 pm, January 27 - Claremore Campus
6 pm, January 28 - Owasso Campus
CLICK HERE for Family Prayer Guide
CLICK HERE to join our Daily Devos on Youtube